7th Prague Anarchist Bookfair 2019
Will take place
18. 5. 2019 in Prague
6th Prague Anarchist Bookfair
th Prague Anarchist Bookfair takes place on May 19
th since 10:00 till 20:00 in
Prague Anarchist Bookfair became solid local event with hundreds of people coming from all kind of backgrounds, not only from around anarchist and antiauthoritarian circles.
It consists of presentation & selling of anarchist and antiauthoritarian literature of different kinds and lecture and workshop part.
Whole event is DIY and non-profit. We take no charge for stall and if needed, we should be able to help ACTIVE participants with travel costs.
Check in "Program" section
anarchistbookfaircz (a) riseup.net
PGP key
No dogs, no masters
There are not good conditions for dogs at Eternia so really consider if you need take your dog with you. Thank you for understanding.